There is a tree beside my house. I call it the 'Spiritual Tree'. I derive spiritual inspiration from it. A tree is an evergrowing being that was initially a seed possessing the potential of becoming a full-grown tree. A seed takes food from the universe around it and then grows into a tree. The same is true with spirituality, the desire for which is intrinsic to, and an integral part of, the very nature of, every human being. To realize this spirituality, Man must derive spiritual food from the universe around him. A tree converts carbon-dioxide into oxygen; a spiritual person is one who can take positive lessons from negative situations. From this perspective, a tree is an embodiment of a spiritual personality. —Maulana Wahiduddin Khan


A TRADITION of the Prophet of Islam reported in books of Hadith reads: God created Adam in His own image (Sahih al Bukhari). However, this does not mean that man is like God in physical appearance. It means that God has in a limited way granted man those divine attributes which exist in perfect form in His being.

In the entire universe man is an exceptional creature. He is the only creature who has been granted a complete personality. He thinks, sees, hears, carries out planned action and can enjoy a multitude of things by using his senses.

Man has been given these exceptional gifts so that he may engage himself in an exceptional task. This exceptional task is to recognize and accept the Creator at a conscious level. In this way, the Almighty Lord of the universe has given man the opportunity to discover Him at the level of realization. This realization should enable a person to see God who is physically unseen, to understand that he is actually powerless even though he seems to have some powers, and so that he may surrender himself before God of his own free will, and not out of compulsion.

Man has been blessed in having been given the ability to convert the entire world of nature into spiritual provision for himself.

Man is blessed in having been given the ability to convert the entire world of nature into spiritual provision for himself, for he has to develop himself intellectually by awakening his consciousness. When he does so, he finds truth at the level of personal discovery; the realization of God comes to him as he bows in self-prostration. Then he has to develop his personality to such a degree of moral refinement that he may be held deserving of finding a place in the vicinity of Almighty God. Those who fail to develop such a personality are mere animals in human form. They are worthless in the eyes of God.