Building Economic Empires

THE problems of the present day stem from the advent of modern Western colonialism which gained momentum in the 17th century. Although the colonialism of the Western powers in African and Asian countries was basically industry-oriented, it was from the outset militarily reinforced.

The phenomena of political occupation can be traced back, in fact, to previous history. In former times, kings mainly wanted to expand their rule over other countries, in order to occupy greater areas of agricultural land. But with the advent of mechanical power, political rule became irrelevant. Now, organization and infrastructure replaced political power.

The setting up of an organized industrial infrastructure was enough to enable exploitation of the targeted countries, without political rule over them being established.

The only way to make Muslims a peaceful people is to make them conscious of this revolutionary change in the modern age.

The old type of colonization has ostensibly ended, but in the form of economic exploitation it is still very much there. For example, there are multinational corporations everywhere in the world. What are these multinationals?

They are the modern commercial form of the old empire. Then there is outsourcing which is also a kind of political expansion of the old variety. After the Second World War, the Western powers discovered the utility of this model on a large scale and completely abandoned the idea of political occupation by military strength. Now they have established a new kind of lordship all across the world in the form of economic peaceful empires. Multinationals are clear manifestations of this peaceful empire.

Those Muslims who subscribe to the gun and bomb culture as a means to seek to attain supremacy over various nations are completely unaware of this modern development. Their violent activities are a direct result of this unawareness of what the modern age has to offer. The only way to make Muslims a peaceful people, is to make them conscious of this revolutionary change in the modern age.