The Language of Paradise

THE Quran greatly emphasises on sound speech or straight speech. This is very important in social life. In the chapter The Confederates the Quran gives its guidance in this regard in the following words:

Believers fear God, and say the straight speech. He will make your conduct sound and forgive you your sins. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger has indeed achieved a great success. (33: 70-71)

The fear of God is not a simple matter. Fear of God makes one highly sincere, responsible and honest. It is these qualities that makes one able to speak in a sound manner. And there is no doubt about it that sound speech coming from sound thinking has the greatest importance in terms of building a good character and a better society. 

Sound thinking leads to sound speech. Sound speech is one in which there is no confusion and which is based on facts. Sound thinking inculcates realistic thinking and it is realistic approach that leads to all kinds of success.

Sound speech or sound writing is easily understandable. It addresses people's mind, it touches their hearts. A sound thinker always speaks in the language of nature and nature is common to both the speaker and the listener. It is this commonality that makes speaking and writing of a sound thinker acceptable to all. 

Fear of God makes one highly sincere, responsible and honest. It is these qualities that makes one able to speak in a sound manner.

Sound thinking is always based on reason; sound thinking is a result of awakening one's mind; it is an outcome of deep contemplation; it is free of all kinds of bias and prejudice. Due to this quality such speech and writing directly reaches the hearts of the people. It has the power to change people’s character. It may revolutionize people’s mind. It is this quality that can bring about reform in society having the power to build a healthier nation.

Sound speech or sound writing represents the whole personality of a man. It is a sign of an integrated personality. It tells that the concerned person is an honest person. It means that what he is saying is not justlip service but is his sincere opinion. He is free of hypocrisy. There is no difference between his thinking and his speaking.

A person having these qualities is a great asset for his society. His sound thinking is a guarantee that he will not create problems for his fellow beings. He will live as trustworthy person. He will be free of the self-centred mentality. He will follow his conscience rather than his own interest. He will adopt a principled character. His sound thinking will make him sound in every aspect of life. 

However, in any situation, if such a person were to—forgetting himself in the course of conversation—raise his voice in anger and argue with his companions unnecessarily, he will soon become conscious of his mistake. Ashamed of having gone to extremes he will turn to God for forgiveness. One example of the form of such supplication is in the following words of the Prophet:

“Glory be to You, O Lord, and praise, I bear witness that there is no God save You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance”. Such a person will have all that passed in that meeting forgiven for him by God. (At Tirmidhi).

A sound thinker always speaks in the language of nature and nature is common to both the speaker and the listener.

But it is not a mechanical recital of these words which will earn God’s forgiveness. This will happen only if one utters them in all earnestness and with a keen awareness of their meaning. The sentiments they convey must be endorsed both by heart and intellect. The Prophet was describing the action of a person who stands in fear of God; a person of sincerity.

According to the Quran, sound speech or right speech is divine speech; it is like speaking the language of Paradise. Paradise is the place where only right thinking persons will find entry, so the one who follows this principle, will get a double blessing of God. He becomes a good member of a society in this world and in the Hereafter, he will be accepted as a successful member of the society of Paradise.