The Quran

ASTUDY of the Quran shows that the Quranic teachings are based on realistic approach. When we use the term “realistic approach” to describe a way of thinking, it always means, thinking that is in accordance with reality. One with such a bent of mind will be scientific in all his dealings in the world. His thinking will be totally in accordance with external realities.

According to traditions, the Prophet of Islam used to pray: 

“O God, show us the truth in the form of truth and grant us the wisdom to follow it, and show us falsehood as falsehood and grant us the strength to keep ourselves away from it. Show us things as they are.” 

This prayer of the Prophet of Islam is a fine example of the scientific approach. The Quran wants to inculcate this spirit in every believer. When a believer becomes eager to be granted this spirit to guide his thoughts, he begins praying for it. 

On a number of occasions we find this teaching expressed in different ways in the Quran. The Quran enjoins believers to ‘fear God and speak the truth. He will bless your works and forgive you your sins’. He who obeys God and His apostle shall win a greater victory. (33: 70-71)

The Quran is not a book of science in the technical sense, but there is no denying the
truth that the Quranic approach is nothing other than a scientific approach

This Quranic verse commands mankind to say what is fair. The words ‘qaul-e-sadeed’ means saying the truth in accordance with the facts. Just as the arrow reaches its target by being shot in precisely the right direction, similarly qaul-e-sadeed hits the mark by making one’s words correspond in every detail with reality.

There are two kinds of human utterances: realistic and un-realistic. Realistic utterances are those that tally exactly with reality. Conversely, un-realistic utterances are those that do not take the actual state of affairs into account and are based on suppositions, conjectures, or mere opinion, rather than on fact. God approves of only the former types of utterances. There are a number of verses in the Quran that aim at inculcating this scientific spirit in the believers. In all matters believers are to be guided by reason and logical thinking.

According to the Quran, there are two kinds of thinking—sincere thinking and insincere thinking or double-standard thinking. The scientific approach is characteristic of a sincere thinker. A sincere thinker cannot envision an approach which is not based on realism. He bases his life on sound and true foundations. On the contrary, it is the insincere thinker who has no principles or scruples. His approach is based on opportunism and he changes his point of view and way of thinking to serve his own interests. That is why there is not even a grain of the scientific approach in him. His thoughts and deeds are totally unpredictable. 

A sincere person with a scientific approach of looking at the world, is the one who comes up to the standard set by the Quran. At the same time, the insincere person is completely unaffected by and in fact free of scientific approach. Therefore, he fails in life’s test as he is so obsessed with his ego-centric thinking that he refuses to adopt a realistic approach.

The Quran cites the Prophet of Islam as a messenger sent for all mankind and not just for the Arabs.

The Quran is not a book of science in the technical sense, but there is no denying the truth that the Quranic approach is nothing other than a scientific approach.

A study of the Quran also shows that its aim is to produce a universal approach in human beings. Universality means high thinking and an unbiased and unconditional approach. We find an example of this quality in the Quran. It addresses us thus: “O man, O mankind.” This shows that the approach of the Quran is based on universality. The very first chapter of the Quran begins with these words. “Praise be to God, the Lord and Sustainer of all mankind. Similarly, the Quran introduces God as the “Lord of the Worlds”, and not just the Lord of the Muslims or the Lord of the Arabs. He is also called ‘the Lord of the East and the West’ (70: 40).

The Quran cites the Prophet of Islam as a messenger sent for all mankind and not just for the Arabs. The Quran says: “We have sent you as a mercy to mankind.” (21: 107).

This universality of Quranic revelation brings about a universal approach in its believers. In another place Quran says: “Blessed be He Who has revealed Al-Furqan (the Criterion) to His servant, so that He may be a warner to all mankind.” (25: 1).

The universal approach can be seen in all the teachings of Islam. For instance, at the end of salat the faithful turn their heads towards the right and left and utter these words of greeting: “Assalam-o-Alaikum wa rahmatullah” which mean: “May peace and blessings be upon you”. This is meant for all mankind inhabiting the lands towards the east and the west, the north and the south. This is in fact a universal greeting. 

In this way one of the aims of salat is to instil in believers feelings of well-wishing for the whole world. The whole world should share in one’s prayers. This is a lesson in universal thinking, which is given daily to the believers. Similarly Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam takes the form of a universal gathering. Muslims belonging to all the nations of the world meet one another on this occasion. It is in fact an annual attempt to produce universality in believers. 

Conveying this universal divine and peaceful message to all the nations of the world is another important teaching of the Prophet. As a requirement of Islam this turns every believer into a universal ambassador for this activity. Coming out of the limited sphere of oneself, one is made to think at the level of all humanity. As a result, an activity like that of Dawah produces universal thinking among the faithful. The responsibility of Dawah takes the believer out of the local sphere and turns him into a global personality. 

Conveying the universal divine and peaceful message to all the nations of the world is an important teaching of the Prophet.

The truth is that universality is an inseparable part of Quranic thinking. One who adopts the Quranic way will start thinking at the universal level. His personality will be linked with the entire human brotherhood. In spite of being located in a particular region, he becomes a citizen of the universe as far as his thinking is concerned. In this respect, it can rightly be said that Islam or the Quran promotes universal citizenship.


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