Emulate Nature to Realize God

NATURE may be likened to a laboratory as it shows abundant examples of conversion. The sun is one such laboratory of nature, where atomic reactions between elements get converted into immense heat and light. Cows convert the grass they eat into milk. Trees take in water, minerals and gases, and convert them into oxygen, blossoms and fruits.

These instances of conversion are flawless and perfect. God requires man to undergo the same process of conversion as the sun, the trees and the cows. But there is one subtle difference: in other cases, this conversion is an instinctive process, whereas in man it is a conscious one. Conversion occurs on a material plane in all other things, whereas in man it occurs on a spiritual plane.

We are mere observers of nature, but we should do more than just observe. The Creator of the universe requires us to see His reflection in the mirror of His creation. Facts may enter our minds as information, but we should convert this information into realization of God. When we are successful in this world, we should attribute our success exclusively to God. When we fail, we should, through our failure, see how helpless man is. When we have cause for complaint against anyone, our inner mechanism should convert resentment into forgiveness and pardon.

The Creator of the universe requires us to see His reflection in the mirror of His creation. Facts may enter our minds as information, but we should convert this information into God-realization

A patch of land which converts earth into trees is a fertile one. On the other hand, land which fails to do this is barren. So is the case with man. Whoever is able to awaken his inner mechanism in such a way that it begins to convert everyday experiences into transcendent realizations is a true believer. One whose inner mechanism is unable to do this is one who is yet to believe. The former can look forward to Heaven when he comes before God, whereas the latter is doomed to eternal perdition.