Condolences started to pour in from all over the world as soon as the news of Maulana’s demise was out on the media. A few of the messages are listed here:

I am much saddened by the passing away of the most revered Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. Maulana Sahib was a true holy leader in this complicated world of our times. His liberal approach to religion and his humble lifestyle mark him as an outstanding religious leader. His needs were minimum and his deeds were total and all-embracing. I clearly remember him saying in a public talk "If a small car takes me to where I have to go, why should I have a bigger and a luxurious car". His scholarship not only in Islam but also other religious and spiritual traditions is an exemplary.

In my humble efforts of promoting inter-religious understanding and harmony which is one of the life missions of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, I cherish Maulana Sahib's patronage. I offer my deep-felt condolences to all the family members and members of CPS International for the huge loss. -Lama Doboom Tuku

The nation has lost a genuine Islamic scholar in the passing away of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, who always promoted goodwill and harmony through properly interpreting the religion. RSS expresses its deep condolence on his demise. -Dattatreya Hosabale, Sarkaryavah, RSS

I just received news yesterday that yet another of our ' Mountains' has passed. I was graced to meet him some 20 years ago in Harrow when he was on a rare visit to the UK. He very kindly received me and my young daughter in his hotel room. I immediately asked if I could photograph him the following day which we did in the gardens of the hotel. I was always struck by his deep calmness, compassion and inner beauty. I always wished I had the opportunity to rephotograph him as he became only more luminous in his later years. Unfortunately, I was unable to make that journey. He spent a lifetime serving God and people. One small consolation for us is that when these great people die, they become more active in the spiritual world. -Peter Sanders