Convert Your Loss into Gain

APRAYER of Prophet Abraham in the Quran says ‘He who cures me when I am ill.’ (26: 80). This is no simple prayer, It refers to a great piece of wisdom learnt through the experience of illness.

It is common for people to fall sick and regain their health. The law of recovery is quite significant. When the branch of a tree is cut, very soon a new branch grows. While a tree does not consciously realise this phenomenon, man can consciously discover this by applying his mind.

To fully realise the significance of this law, the Creator has made illness a personal experience. Recovering from illness is common for everyone. To realise this law through recovery from disease or ailment makes it a personal experience.

One experiences losses of different kinds—physical, economic and political. Recuperating after a period of illness, one should not despair looking at the losses. Just re-planactivities and try to convert loss into gain.

Illness will prompt one to think deeply, a blessing in
disguise.One will thus discover the meaning of life,
remember God Almighty and pray for entry to Paradise.

This attitude makes a person to be complaint-free. Since it is possible to transform loss into gain, one should be ever grateful and never complain. Not falling prey to negativity and remaining positive is of utmost importance.

A prophetic tradition also refers to illness. The Prophet once visited a sick man. On seeing him, the Prophet said ‘Don’t worry, God willing, it will be a source of purification.’ (Bukhari)

This indicates that illness is merely not a problem. There is a positive aspect of illness; it makes the person reflect. Illness will prompt one to think deeply—a blessing in disguise. One will thus discover the meaning of life, remember God Almighty and pray for entry to Paradise.This will purify the soul, and will lead to the emergence of a new human being. o

No one puts out other people’s lamp.

It is the lack of oil which puts them out.