Patience Pays

THE German philosopher, Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) and his associates propounded the theory comprising the triad, Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis.

Thesis marks the beginning. As a result of the internal process initiated by thesis, antithesis comes into being. The culmination of this process is marked by synthesis. In simple language, it means that history travels in the form of a periodical phase constituting action, reaction and positive response.

This is not merely a philosophical theory; it is a law of nature, which provides hope for man. If man is in the middle process, he must consider it to be a temporary phase. He should hope that a better tomorrow shall certainly come; it is destined. 

To wait for a better tomorrow is a higher form of worship

The Prophet of Islam described this law of nature in the following words,

Afzal al-ibada, intezaar al-farj (Al-Tirmidhi)

This Hadith (sayings and deeds of the Prophet of Islam) means that to wait for a better tomorrow is a higher form of worship. Human history is not a static phenomenon; it travels from bad to good. Life therefore has no room for pessimism. Man must always be an optimist and wait for a better tomorrow.


Objectivity requires a person to 'not to deviate' from the
path of justice, even when it concerns one’s opponent.