The Road to Success

Whatever misfortune befalls you is of your own doing—God forgives much. (42: 30)

THIS verse of the Quran informs us that whenever a man is afflicted by some misfortune, it is necessarily the result of one or more of his own actions. Complaining against others in this world is meaningless. Everyone must suffer the consequences of his own actions. Protests and complaints against others are only a waste of time. It will in no way solve the problem.

This system is devised by nature itself. It offers great hope for us; in that it has placed our problems in our own hands. It has not left us to be dependent on the charity and compassion of others.

If the problems we face are caused by others, we would be dependent upon others for their solution. We would have to wait for others’ kindness. But God has devised the system of the world in such a way that He has made everyone’s concerns his own personal affair. That is, everyone can construct his life by dint of his own efforts. Everyone’s future is in his own hands.

One has to incur loss due to one’s own imprudence. Much harm can be avoided by adopting wise ways. An initiative goes awry for lack of planning. But there will always be other chances to work in future in a planned way so that the mistake may be rectified. Acting hastily, a man invites trouble, but then he always has the possibility of turning the situation to good account by adopting the ways of patience and resilience. Sometimes people bring ruin upon themselves by being too emotional, but they too have the chance to reach their goal by remaining unruffled and rational in their approach on subsequent occasions.