FROM the cultural point of view, there are several religions in the world. But in terms of ideology, the religion of today’s world is just one—the worship of money. Almost everyone’s sole purpose in life is to accumulate as much wealth as possible. There is no difference in this regard between seemingly religious and non-religious people.

Innumerable inventions and products are now available to meet people’s physical needs and desires. And then, these were commercialized. The markets were flooded with innumerable products. This has stimulated an irrepressible desire for these things. ‘If only we had the money, we could have bought all these things—from a needle to an airplane!’ they think. The arrival of television and advertising has added momentum to this consumerist culture.

Almost everyone’s sole purpose in life is to accumulate as much wealth as possible.
There is no difference in this regard between seemingly religious and non religious people

 As a result, the entire world is under the sway of ‘money culture’. Every person is now fired by greed to earn or accumulate as much money as possible. There is the case of a man who wanted to buy a house in a posh colony only because he did not want his Mercedes to be parked next to a car that cost much less than his! This is the attitude promoted by ‘money culture’. Such thinking has now became so pervasive that it is universal. Some express this in words, others by actions, but their religion is the same—the worship of money.o

Unfolding One’s Potential 
It is everyone's duty to unfold their potential.
One who dies without unfolding their
intellectual potential, dies like an animal.