Ride The Waves Of Challenge

THE British MP, Enoch Powell (d. 1998) once made an interesting comment about political leaders who complain about the media. He felt that such complaints were unnecessary or unjustified. “A politician who complains about the media”, he said, “is like a ship’s captain complaining about the sea.”

This comment is absolutely true. However, it applies not just to political leaders but to all people. Most complaints against others are needless. While the issue is actually not something to complain about, it has been turned into a cause for one.

This world is established on the principles of nature. Life in this world is like a vast ocean, full of waves. Living in society, we will always face one wave after another. The sensible way to deal with the waves that appear in our lives is to consider them as challenges. Instead of complaining about the waves that come our way, we should learn the art of successfully riding over or bypassing them.

 Challenges are for our own good. They come into our lives to train us;
to increase our wisdom and to strengthen us.

That we have to face many waves or challenges in life is not something bad or wrong. In fact, challenges are for our own good. They come into our lives to train us; to increase our wisdom and to strengthen us. Difficulties are experiences, and without such experiences one cannot become a complete person. We should learn lessons from our experiences and stop complaining about them.

Live as a flower

Spiritual behaviour is friendly behaviour towards
every human being—to friends and foes alike.
It is like the behaviour of flowers that can live with
all their fragrance in the neighbourhood of thorns.