IN Chapter 4 of the Quran an aspect of human life has been mentioned in these words: “Khuliq al-insana zaifa.” (4: 28) That is, ‘Man has been created weak.’

This verse depicts one side of human life. The other is that although man is weak in this world, all his needs have been made available, with little effort of his own. This reality is referred to in the Quran as: ‘He has given you all that you asked of Him.’ (14: 34)

Man needs light to see things, and there is a sun shining in the sky to give out light. Man needs air to hear sounds, and an envelope of air surrounds him everywhere, all the time. Man needs oxygen to breathe, and this precious element for survival is constantly supplied to him everywhere. Man needs water to drink, and the earth has great quantities of water to quench his thirst. Man needs food for growth and nourishment, and the soil on earth provides him with this food.

There are billions of such components on earth which compensate for man’s weakness, so that man can lead his life smoothly without facing any real problem. This arrangement is so complete that it is said that the universe is custom-made for man.

Weakness saves a person from negative thinking, such as pride, superiority
complex, selfishness, and an unrealistic approach.  

Why is this so? This is for man to discover his merciful Creator so that every moment he can offer the response of thankfulness to Him, lead a life characterized by positive thinking and live among people as a complaint-free person. The peace of mind of such a person does not get disturbed at any moment.

Weakness makes a man cut-to-size. Realization of this weakness develops modesty in a person, giving rise to a realistic approach. Most importantly, it reminds a person that he is a creation and not the Creator. Such weakness is thus a positive thing. Weakness makes one realize: ’I cannot do anything alone. I can perform a task only with Weakness saves a person from negative thinking, such as pride, superiority complex, selfishness, and an unrealistic approach. 36 Spirit of Islam Issue 32 August 2015 the help of others.’ This sense inculcates the greatest spiritual value in a person. It builds tolerance towards others, respect for each other and the spirit of conciliation. It fosters a universal outlook; a spirit of collective thinking instead of individualism.

In this way, weakness, in terms of its results, becomes one’s strength. Moreover, weakness saves a person from negative thinking, such as pride, superiority complex, selfishness, and an unrealistic approach. 

Man has been given freedom of choice which if left unchecked, can turn into anarchy. The sense of weakness serves as a brake preventing a person from this kind of derailment. With no weakness, man will become proud and egoistic. He will become a problem-member for his society. The sense of weakness does the work of a speed-breaker for man and helps in developing the spirit of self-control.

Man has been given a strong mind, along with physical weakness. This equation is a blessing.
His weakness becomes a motivating force for intellectual development.

Man has been given a strong mind, along with physical weakness. This equation is a blessing. His weakness becomes a motivating force for intellectual development. If he understands and avails of this law of nature, then his weak personality will certainly emerge strong. And, a strong personality is another name for a successful person. 

Waste of time

In this world, time is extremely limited. We cannot afford to spend this precious commodity on revenge or retaliation or other such negative pursuits. The price we have to pay for such futile engagement is in terms of our own progress and development coming to a halt.