Keeping Your Goal in Sight

MAN is endowed with great brain power. He is intelligent enough to know the dangers of lighting a fire near fuel. He knows the many dangers and avoids them cleverly. He carefully takes into consideration safety and security aspects in his financial planning, in his travel trips, purchase of material things, etc. He avoids the pits while walking. But unfortunately tends to forget that this is a principle to be followed in social life too. Every society is comprised of a variety of people who create different types of environment. In every society there are ‘marshy places’, there is ‘fuel’, there are ‘thorns’ and there are ‘pits’. The wise are those who try to avoid such difficult, even explosive situations, thus saving themselves from the trammels of confrontation.

A purposeful man always looks ahead to the future— straight forward and not towards the right or left. He always thinks of long-lasting consequences rather than momentary considerations.

Those who have some goal or the other before them never allow themselves to become enmeshed in such things because that would mean being diverted from their objective. A purposeful man always looks ahead to the future—straight forward and not towards the right or left. He always thinks of long-lasting consequences rather than momentary considerations. He looks at things not from the point of view of personal desires and whims, but from the point of view of reality.