Cause of All Causes

A STRONG conviction in the existence of God is most desirable but experience shows otherwise. Most people are unable to have a strong faith in God and some of them go to such extremes as to deny God altogether. This fact can be observed throughout the history of mankind. Why is this so?

This is because in accordance with the creation plan of God, all events and incidents are a consequence of cause and effect. For every event that happens in this world there appears to be a cause, because of which, most people attribute the event to its cause. Due to the presence of this apparent cause, they are unable to see the hand of God behind the event.

In accordance with the creation plan of God, all events and incidents are a consequence of cause and effect.

This phenomenon has been observable throughout human history. But in the present age with the discoveries of science, it has taken the form of an ideology that could be called the ‘law of causation’. When scientific developments using microscopic and macroscopic observations in the universe uncovered the natural causes for all events, it came to be understood that everything was the result of its cause. Because of these scientific discoveries it came to be said:

If events are due to natural causes they are
not due to supernatural causes.

However, this is the very test of man in this world. Man needs to develop his consciousness so that he can see the hand of God behind every causal event. He should discover that in these events the cause is just a veil and not the reality.

The name of this discovery is faith in God. Those people who are able to discover this reality in this world are the ones who will be deserving of a reward from God which will be their entry into everlasting Paradise.