Know the Difference

WHETHER or not they show or admit it, almost every person harbours some sorrow deep inside. There is just one reason for this—and that is because people are not realistic enough. Generally speaking, people are unaware of the fact that in this world, you can only get what is possible according to the law of nature. They do not know that they simply cannot get what, in line with the law of nature, is simply not possible for them to acquire.

Because of unawareness of this basic fact, people repeatedly make the blunder of failing to distinguish between what is possible and what is not. They constantly hanker after acquiring things that they simply cannot acquire, come what may. If they realized this blunder that they are making and plan their life accordingly, they would be able to lead far more successful and meaningful lives.

Our first task is to discover that the universe is functioning on the basis of the law of nature that has been established by the Creator. This law is not going to be changed for anyone’s sake. Hence, we need to learn about the law of nature and then mould our lives in line with it. If we fail to do so, it is simply impossible to succeed in life.

We need to learn about the law of nature and then mould our lives in line with it. If we fail to do this, it is simply impossible to succeed in life.

“Politics”, it is said, “is the art of the possible”. But this principle applies not to politics alone. It actually applies to every aspect of life. If you make your goal something that, according to the law of nature, you are never going to get, you are bound to fail. On the other hand, if you plan your life within the boundaries of what is possible, you are much more likely to succeed.

Not by Miracles
Success is the result of devotion and
assiduity, and is never the result of
some unasked for miracle.