There is a tree beside my house. I call it the 'Spiritual Tree'. I derive spiritual inspiration from it. A tree is an evergrowing being that was initially a seed possessing the potential of becoming a full-grown tree. A seed takes food from the universe around it and then grows into a tree. The same is true with spirituality, the desire for which is intrinsic to, and an integral part of, the very nature of, every human being. To realize this spirituality, Man must derive spiritual food from the universe around him. A tree converts carbon-dioxide into oxygen; a spiritual person is one who can take positive lessons from negative situations. From this perspective, a tree is an embodiment of a spiritual personality. — Maulana Wahiduddin Khan


The Quran describes a reality of life in the following words:

If We extend anyone's life, We reverse his development. Can they not use their reason? (36 : 68)

THE human body that we have been gifted with is unique. It contains seventy eight organs, which work continuously and in remarkable coordination as different systems carrying out the essential functions of the body. This coordinated work happens in accordance with an automated system in the body that enables it to function continuously.

But, every human being after passing through various stages of life— childhood, and then youth and middle-age, finally reaches old age. When someone grows old, his organs begin to degenerate and fail—partially, in some cases, or completely, in others. This is the phenomenon of reversal and degeneration that makes a man old, and finally helpless, incapable of doing anything.

This process is referred to in the above-quoted Quranic verse as a reversal. That is, the taking back of the capabilities that have been given to one. This taking back or reversal proves that there is a powerful Creator, who first gives these capabilities to man, and then, in accordance with His will, takes them back. This process of reversal is bound to happen, and no one can stop it.

When man is born, he is in a completely helpless and powerless state. Then as he grows and develops it appears that there is a greater power that is bestowing him with strength and power. Then after acquiring full power and strength man enters into old age. It then appears that there is someone that is taking away his power and strength. Gradually, strength ebbs away from his limbs and organs. It is as though every human being in his own life gets the opportunity to discover God as a ‘giver’ and at the same time discover God as a ‘taker’. If man has an open mind, his own life will become a source of God-realization for him.

In the process of aging, man in his own life gets the
opportunity to discover God as a ‘giver’ and at the
same time discover God as a ‘taker’.

This process of reversal that takes place within the human body conceals a great lesson. If you ponder about it, you will discover two things at the same time: firstly, that there is an All-Powerful God; and secondly, that you yourself are an all-powerless creature. You will realize that if God gives, only then will you receive, and that if God does not give, you cannot receive. It is this discovery that is called ma’rifat or God-realization that makes a human being a real human being.

Noble Personality

The greatest thing for man to target in this world is
the nurturing of a noble personality. One who does
so is a real human being. Such is the individual
considered desirable by God according to His