Exemplify Or Enforce

THE root of the Arabic word adl meaning ‘justice’ appears 28 times in the Quran. In addition, synonyms for adl or justice appear several times in the Quran. This suggests that Islam gives great stress to justice. However, there is a difference in the usage of the word in the Quran. In most cases, the word adl appears in the intransitive form in the Quran. For instance, the Quran says: ’when you speak, observe justice’ (6 : 152). In general circumstances, this is precisely the demand of justice. In such circumstances, this is exactly what is desirable for people to do—that they should speak and act justly. Believers are not charged with the responsibility of practically establishing a just government. Rather, their real responsibility is to exemplify justice in all their dealings.


Believers are not charged with the responsibility of practically
establishing a just government. Rather, their real responsibility is to
exemplify justice in all their dealings.

The command for adl also appears in the transitive form in the Quran—that is, to establish a system of justice. One instance of this is the following verse, which appears in connection with the Prophet David:

We said, "David, We have given you mastery over the land. Judge fairly between people. Do not follow your desires, lest they divert you from God's path: those who wander from His path will have a severe punishment, because they ignore the Day of Reckoning." (38 : 26)

In this Quranic verse, the word for justice is used in the sense of enforcement. This indicates that it is the duty of the ruler to establish a just system, to enforce justice or to make others abide by justice.

According to Islam, an individual’s responsibility is based on his capacity (THE QURAN 2 : 286). The responsibility of an ordinary person, who does not wield authoritative power, is to act justly at all times within the sphere in which he operates. But someone whom God has blessed with authority must act justly himself and must also establish a just system according to the power he wields and, as far as possible, make people abide by justice.