Do not Discriminate

GOD Almighty sent more than one hundred thousand prophets or messengers to every group of people. All the messengers of God enjoy the same status. In the chapter Al-Baqarah (The Heifer), the Quran refers to these messengers: 

The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) believers. They all believe in God and His angels, His scriptures, and His messengers. They say, “We do not differentiate between any of His messengers. We hear and obey. Grant us your forgiveness. Lord, to You we shall all return”. (2: 285).

The verse relates directly to the messengers or the prophets of God. It also has a broader significance that, everyone is worthy of respect, regardless of his creed or culture.

A healthy society is not necessarily uni-religious but one based on religious freedom and religious tolerance. 

Such belief promotes a culture of equal respect among mankind. Difference in belief is necessarily subject to discussion, but not a reason for discrimination. If your belief is different from that of others, you have the right to engage in discussion and dialogue on the subject, but no right to show disrespect. This holds true, even if you feel that your personal ideology enshrines the supreme truth. The culture of discrimination is alien to the divine religion. 

Respect for all cultures is greatly supportive of intellectual development.

Islam has two aims regarding society—dissemination of the truth as set forth in the Quran, and maintaining a healthy society that honours the principles of respect and peaceful co-existence. To this end, the Quran lays great emphasis on restraint and discipline—conflict and extremism being completely alien to the Islamic system of thought.

In everyday life, everyone should be disciplined and tolerant, for others have a right to live according to their convictions , just as you do. This is the best way to build a healthy society, one that is not necessarily a uni-religious society; one which is based on religious freedom and tolerance. 

Mutual respect is not about moral value, it is also a great source of intellectual advancement. When you tolerate the ideology of others, you give free rein to express their views, creating an atmosphere conducive to positive discussion and peaceful dialogue. This invariably leads to intellectual challenges and ideological questioning. Respect for all cultures is greatly supportive of intellectual development. 

It eliminates negative thinking and helps you to discover the beauty of other’s thinking and way of life, vital for a healthy society.

Ephemeral Life

Man tries to lead a prosperous life in this
world without pausing to think that this life
and all its achievements are limited to this
world. They cease to exist at death.

Our Duty

There are millions of things that have been
bestowed on us by the Creator. To acknowledge
and be grateful for these blessings is the biggest duty of ours.