Towards Intellectual Growth

ABDULLAH IBN UMAR reports that the Prophet once said, “A believer who engages with people and is patient when he faces annoyance from them shall have greater reward than he who neither interacts with others nor remains patient at the troubles caused by them.” (Musnad Ahmad).

A person who lives all by himself, without any social interaction, will not face any unpleasantness at the hands of others. But someone who lives amidst others and interacts with them and is socially engaged will very naturally face various troubles, big and small, from others. Why is someone who leads a socially-engaged life, and faces unpleasantness at times from others, better than someone who leads a reclusive, lonely life?

Every person is born with innumerable capabilities. But these capabilities are in a potential state. In order to actualize this potential, one should face some shock or the other.

The reason for this lies in a law of nature. Every person is born with innumerable capabilities. But these capabilities are in a potential state. In order to actualize this potential, one should face some shock or the other. The system of nature is based on the principle of ‘shock treatment’. If one can withstand the shock, then one’s capabilities, that lie deep in their own self or nature in potential form, will begin to activate and unfold. That will help one grow intellectually. On the other hand, if one is not ready to face and tolerate shocks, one cannot develop intellectually and will die without making any real progress.

Seek Guidance
God did not just leave man in a world
where there was no way to find the truth