Hallmark of Character

In an article on maturity, Anne Landers writes: 

MATURITY is the ability to control anger and settle differences without violence or destruction. Maturity is patience, the willingness to give up immediate pleasure in favour of the long-term gain. Maturity is perseverance, sweating out a project despite setbacks. Maturity is unselfishness, responding to the needs of others. Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness and disappointment without becoming bitter. Maturity is humility. 

A mature person is able to say, “I was wrong.” And when he is proved right, he does not have to say, “I told you so.” Maturity means dependability, integrity, keeping one’s word. Maturity is the ability to live in peace with things we cannot change.

A truly mature person is someone who can bear with
unpleasantness and yet rise above negative reaction in
situations of severe adversity.

A truly mature person is someone who can bear with unpleasantness and yet rise above negative reaction in situations of severe adversity.

Maturity stands at the apex of human virtues. One who has cultivated this quality has reached the high point of humanity: the perfect person. It is such individuals who are the true achievers in life; who will carry their nation toward success. 


Purposeful people never allow themselves to
be diverted from their objective.