THE British newspaper The Independent carried a news report on February 21, 2015 with the heading: Stephen Hawking: Space travel will save mankind and we should colonise other planets. During a conversation with an American visitor, Adaeze Uyanwah at London’s Science Museum, Stephen Hawking said: “I believe that the long term future of the human race must be space and that it represents an important life insurance for our future survival, as it could prevent the disappearance of humanity by colonising other planets. Human aggression could bring civilisation and humanity to an end and space travel will give us somewhere else to go.”

Man has no eternal future on the planet earth. Make
yourself deserving candidates for the planet of Paradise.

This statement is nothing but a romantic dream. Scientific advances over the last two decades allow astronomers to detect extrasolar planets (planets orbiting stars outside our solar system) or exoplanets that are similar in size and mass of the earth. However, exoplanets with the right physical and chemical composition and attributes fine-tuned to support advanced life, are non-existent in our universe. Such research continues to prove that our planet Earth was created with a purpose by a supernatural Designer, God.

In this context, it is important to study the theory of life presented in the Quran. According to it the earth has been made as a temporary abode for human beings and it will certainly come to an end after a period of time. Then the other abode for humans would be Paradise. This means that people have no eternal future on the planet earth. If one wants to achieve a successful life, then they should perform such deeds as can make themselves deserving candidates for the planet of Paradise.

Turn to God

Faith in God enables one to turn
to Him for recompense in times of grievance.