Minds and Emotions

THERE are two distinct ways of addressing people—One is to address their minds and introduce new thought process; the other is to deliver what people might consider to be ‘fine’ speeches, but which cause no positive transformation.

Those who seek to address people’s minds and enable them to start thinking on positive lines often do not gather a large following. Generally, they do not win public acclaim. But, at the same time, serious-minded seekers of Truth find food for thought and inspiration in the wisdom of such people. Their enlightenment awaken them from their slumber setting their thinking processes working in a different direction. It provokes them to re-think matters and change their attitudes and opinions. Until then, if their lives had been selfcentred; they now, begin to live for the Truth. It helps them develop a new mentality. It leads them to introspect. They speak less and think more. They now give more attention to reforming themselves than to criticizing others.

Those who seek to address people’s minds
and enable them to start thinking on positive lines often do
not gather a large following.  

For people who address others simply to make a ‘good’ impression and win popularity, the matter is totally different. They seek to gather followers, and so they appeal to people’s whims, fancies, fears, prejudices and negative emotions often by cleverly misrepresenting facts to win the adulation of their unthinking fans. Underneath their apparent popularity lies a deep emptiness. Their rabble-rousing rhetoric may continue for years, but it will not help transform even a single individual.


Humble is one who is modest in his estimation of himself,
and acknowledges the goodness of others.