Until the Day of Truth

THIS is a world of deception and delusion. People are free to do one thing in reality, but make-out that they are doing something quite different. They may be pursuing a policy of personal advancement and self-aggrandisement, but they use slogans which make it appear as though—far from serving themselves—they are only out to serve others. They make out that what they are doing is for the good of their nation, whereas in fact they themselves are the only beneficiaries of their policies. Everyone twists words to his own advantage, making the cruelty and injustice that he inflicts on others appear like justice and humanism. Those who have the law on their side have a licence to act as they please: if the law sanctions their misdemeanours, then no one can say that what they are doing is wrong.

This is the way with people of the world. As for people who call themselves religious, the course that they follow is not very different. They have attached the label “religion” to a few lifeless dogmas; they have assigned the highest rewards to menial, mechanical rites and ceremonies; they make ritual religion appear like real religion; they give themselves credit for practising religion, whereas in fact what they are practising is religion made by man, not the one revealed by God.

They have made religion a topic of argument and disputation, and have forgotten that religion is something to be practised, not just to be talked about.

The “God” that they have invented for themselves is one that they do not need to fear. They have appointed for themselves a prophet who will intercede for them and save them from damnation, no matter how they act on earth. The afterlife that they claim to believe in is one where Heaven is for them and Hell for others. When they pray they are a picture of humility, but their prayer does not prevent them from being proud and malicious when they leave the house of worship. When they fast, they assiduously abstain from food and drink, but they do not bother to refrain from lying, deceit, and injustice. They have made religion a topic of argument and disputation, and have forgotten that religion is something to be practised, not just to be talked about. Then, to crown it all, they claim that they are performing “missionary activity,” whereas in fact what they are doing is seeking to consolidate their own power and prestige.

But counterfeit gold is only considered gold until it has been put to the test of the touchstone. So it is with the deception that man practises in this world. It can only prevail until the Day of Reckoning comes to pass, when God’s truth will eliminate all falsehood and His justice will put an end to all injustice. Man is free in this world because he is being put to the test. He can do as he pleases as long as his trial period lasts. When it comes to an end, he will find himself absolutely powerless. He will want to speak, but words will desert him. He will want to run away, but his legs will not be able to carry him.

But counterfeit gold is only considered gold until it has been put to the test of the touchstone. So it is with the deception that man practises in this world.

That will be the day of truth. On that day man will shed the camouflage which hides his real state in this world. Everyone will appear as they really are. What a revelation it will be when the pretences that people put on fade away, and reality comes to the fore. In this world only God knows a person’s true state; in the next world it will be plain for all to see. Those who appeared in a certain light in this world will be exposed in a completely different light there: they will be exposed for what they were, rather than what they pretended to be.