Gratitude—To God And Man

Asuccessful lawyer decided to buy property in an expensive locality. One of his friends asked him why he wanted to own property in that very expensive colony. He answered:

“Because I do not want my Mercedes to be parked next to a Santro.”

Why did the lawyer make such a statement? He considered his car merely a shopping item. He had the money to buy a Mercedes and so he purchased it by paying the required amount. But, this is greatly underestimating the matter. In truth, the car is a great divine gift rather than being a mere status symbol. God created man, and then He provided him with natural means of transport such as horses, camels, mules and other animals. This was the first phase of transportation. Being the Creator and Sustainer, God endowed nature with the potential for advanced mechanical means of transportation to meet the future needs of man. God bestowed man with intelligence so that he could utilize the natural laws to his advantage by which he made many discoveries. He discovered the wheel and developed vehicles such as the bicycle and the motorcar. Thus, in terms of potential, modern vehicles are God-given. And since many people of various countries were involved in turning this natural potential into reality, they are also a gift from humanity.

Reflecting over this entire history, we first need to acknowledge the Creator. This is known as shukr, or gratitude, in religious terms. And acknowledging humanity’s immense hard work that went into developing these vehicles, we will have to thank the entire humanity through whose efforts cars were manufactured for common benefit of man. When we think this way, we will acknowledge God the most, and then acknowledge humanity. We will realize that the money used to purchase the car is of indeed negligible value.

Acknowledging others’ contributions develops modesty and positive thinking which is the source of all social good.
Not doing so, would lead to arrogance and pride, which are the root cause of all social evils.

The lawyer’s statement is indicative of the general mind-set. Every man and woman is engaged in the same kind of thinking and only differ in terms of degree.

However, this is not a trivial matter. This kind of psychology develops pride and arrogance. In contrast, he who considers the thing he has purchased from the market as a divine gift as well as a gift from humanity, and that his own contribution to it is nothing, will certainly develop modesty. There is nothing greater than modesty for any person.

Acknowledging others’ contributions develops modesty and positive thinking which is the source of all social good. Not doing so, would lead to arrogance and pride, which are the root cause of all social evils.