Receiving in Giving

IN the chapter Al-Ra’d (The Thunder), the Quran narrates a parable illustrating the law of nature, that only those who prove to be ‘giver’ members of society will be able to establish themselves in life. The following is the translation of the verse:

He sends downs water from the sky that fills riverbeds to overflowing, each according to its measure. The torrent carries along swelling foam, akin to what rises from smelted ore from which man makes ornaments and tools. God thus depicts truth and falsehood. The scum is cast away, but whatever is of use to man remains behind. God thus speaks in parables. (13: 17)

Only those who prove useful to others will find a place in society. The individual who has lost his capacity to benefit others has no respectable place in this world.

In our world, material events symbolize moral realities. What is required of man, is being demonstrated by the rest of the world at the material level as in the two events of nature which have been described in the above verse of the Quran. One symbol used is that of rainfall, with its water flowing into the rivers and streams. At that time a great deal of foam surfaces on it. Another symbol is that of precious minerals being heated in order to purify them, their impurities appearing in the shape of scum which, being useless for man is discarded. The main point which emerges is that the water and minerals which are useful to man remain intact and the foam and scum is discarded.

These are material events through which nature shows symbolically what principles it has laid down for the success or failure of life. One principle is that, in this world, only those who prove useful to others will find a place in society. The individual who has lost his capacity to benefit others has no respectable place in this world. The same is true of communities and groups.

Let us discuss further about what one should refrain from doing in society and what one should consciously do when living in society.

Self-Control: Self-control is integral to social ethics. If you are alone on an island, there is no need for any control as the absence of others, leaves you free to do whatever you want to do. However, when you are living in society, you have to give leeway to others. Self-control leads to a better society, while lack of self-control leads to the destruction of peace.

Identifying a friend in a stranger: All human beings have common ancestors—Adam and Eve. This makes the whole of humanity a single family. It is only distance that makes a person a stranger. Be a true friend to others and you will realize that they will treat you in the same way. The only condition is that you should be selfless and sincere in extending the hand of friendship. Develop genuine love for others in your heart and then others cannot but love you in return.

Do not provoke: Refrain from hurting the ego of another person and you will also be safe from his retaliation. One who sedulously adheres to this principle will not face violence from others. Violence breeds violence and peace breeds peace.

Build a reputation which is based on your actual deeds. Reputation represents your external personality while a sense of honour is your own inner perception of yourself. The sense of honour is like self-praise, that is, believing certain things about yourself without taking into account what others think about you. For instance, a superiority complex about yourself is living in a sense of honour. Being a modest member of society and considering yourself equal to the others, is the real virtue which builds a reputation of being a good member of society.

The higher aim should be to live as a ‘giver’ member of society or the least you should aim for is to be a no-problem person in society.

The higher aim should be to live as a ‘giver’ member of society or the least you should aim for is to be a no-problem person in society. If you do not adopt any of these two ways then you are ‘the foam’ or ‘the scum’ in the parable given in the above Quranic verse.

Spirituality is a State of Mind
Discovery plus contemplation is spirituality. For this
one needs to prepare one’s mind to be objective
and train oneself not to take offence.