Your Questions Answered

There are some who speak and talk about past negative experiences. Is it not important to forget the past?

Yes, it is very important to forget the unpleasant experiences of the past. Because, the choice in this context is not between forgetting and not forgetting: The real choice is between living with all kinds of bitter memories and totally freeing yourself from them. Try to forget unpleasant memories, for the alternative to this is living in bitterness and that is not a good choice for anyone. The habit of forgetting leads you to many good things. It saves you from distraction, it economizes your energy, it prevents you from wasting your time, and it shields you from negative thoughts. All these things are so important for a better life that any sacrifice to achieve it is certainly worth it. 

How to explain the phenomenon of depression?

Depression is a sign of mental disturbance. Such disturbance leads to intellectual upheaval and, finally, to brainstorming. Depression is a symptom of deprivation. When you think that you are seriously lacking in something that you earnestly desire, this thought is bound to lead to depression. Depression is not a physical phenomenon: It is psychological in nature. If you feel that you have gained what you wanted to gain, that will give you a sense of satisfaction. But when you feel that you have failed to achieve your goal, it leads to depression. In the first case, your life very soon comes to a full stop, but in the second case, your life goes on, punctuated by commas.

What should one do when provoked?

Our world is one of provocation. Whenever there are provocations, big or small, you have only two options: Either to succumb to anger and hatred and fail to do anything positive in the situation, or to remain patient. By being patient, you save time and energy. Being patient means having a calm nature. When you are calm you can serenely face a challenge without allowing yourself to be provoked, making yourself strong enough to overcome all difficulties. Only patience will enable Spirit of Islam Issue 28 April 2015 47 you to use your mental capacity to the fullest extent. Patience is a precious virtue; it costs nothing to acquire this virtue. It requires only the training of your mind; you have to train yourself to control your emotions. 

What is meant by rational thought?

Rational thinking means reason-based thinking. It is the kind of thinking that is based on proven facts. It is based on sound reason. We tend to let our heart rule our thinking and this can cloud our judgement. We need to control our emotions and understand the realities of  life objectively; only then will we be able to develop rational thinking.

How should one deal with difference of opinion?

Difference is a part of nature. It is difference that paves way for intellectual discussion. Difference per se is therefore not an evil but a blessing. There have to be certain pre-conditions if difference is to be a healthy social asset. In spite of differences you have to remain peaceable. You have to be sincere and objective, so that the difference may be expressed in a disciplined manner. You have to express your differences peacefully, and at the same time be open-minded enough to allow others to freely express their views. In the matter of disagreement and criticism people should shed off their unnecessary sensitivity, instead of attempting to put a stop to the act of criticism and disagreement itself. 

It is almost impossible to achieve the ideal; but if we do not aspire to the ideal, where will righteous motivation come from?

Try to achieve the ideal but, at the same time, be prepared to accept the practical. The ideal should be your goal. But one has to deal with all sorts of people and keep social realities in mind. In such a situation, nonacceptance of the less-than-ideal is bound to lead to disappointment.

Is it necessary to entertain feelings of guilt? Does it not undermine confidence? 

This thinking is based on a wrong assumption. Guilt means admitting your mistakes, so guilt gives you renewed confidence that henceforth you will do your work in a better way. Feeling guilty means being more cautious and more sincere; so, guilt is an entirely positive quality. There is nothing negative about it.o